• Interactive theatre

Interactive theatre is a presentational or theatrical form or work that breaks the "fourth wall" that traditionally separates the performer from the audience both physically and verbally. Performance may happen amidst audience members, and often involves the audience in more active roles. They may be asked to hold props, supply performance suggestions, share the action's real-world setting, or become characters in the performance. In addition the audience may be asked to participate in altering the course of the play altogether by taking part in a collective vote to help steer the plot in a new direction


  • Waking Dream Theater

During the workshop, the group will co-create a collective dream world where personal story, current life challenges and creative expression intermingle. Waking Dream Theatre is at once a meaningful practice and a performance art. This workshop will allow you to discover, reveal yourself and be witnessed. Waking Dream Theatre can spark deep insight while remaining poetic and playful.


  • Sounds of Heart:Musical and Drama improvision

Experimental and impromptu music performance through combining the Broadway Musical and Beijing Opera.